the music for everyone fund
For 50 years the official Cadenza slogan has been “music for everyone.” Recently we started asking ourselves, “are we living up to this motto?”
We certainly believe in the power of music to positively impact people's lives, particularly the lives of children and young adults. But are there ways we could be more accessible to “everyone”? How can we serve more people? How about those with the potential to benefit the most from the impact of music but without the means to achieve this on their own?
Looking ahead, we know that living up to this motto will be a lifelong and endless task. But when we look back, one thing is certain: Any success we have achieved so far is down to the power of community.
As a small, local business, we can definitively say that we would not be here if it weren’t for the community that has been with us through thick and thin these last 50 years. Some of you have been involved with Cadenza in some capacity since the beginning, or close to it, and are still a part of the Cadenza family.
So the first step we are taking in this, our 50th birthday year, is to introduce to you the Music For Everyone Fund. All funds collected will be used to help Cadenza truly live up to its motto. This can mean lessons for those who can’t afford them, schools in need of better instruments for their music programs, much-needed renovations to our historic space, community outreach… we want to dream big, and we hope you will dream with us.